Friday, May 9, 2014


Working in schools, I've heard a lot this week about "Teacher Appreciation".  After all, being "appreciated" one week a year totally makes up for all the hours, effort and dedication teachers put into their work, right? While I value and appreciate all the teachers I work with, as well as my children's teachers everyday, this week is also earmarked as a week to appreciate another very important and hard working group of people: Nurses.

When we started this medical journey with Logan, one thing became very clear. The nurses make all the difference. Sure, the doctors are the ones diagnosing, treating, monitoring, and basically calling all the shots. Don't get me wrong, we love our doctors. They are caring, responsive, entertaining and their job is clearly vital. But it's the nurses that are on the front lines.

iPad time in the art room
They are the ones carrying out the orders. They are the ones who stick these kids with needles. They are the ones giving them their meds. They are the ones caring for them as they get sick. These, among so many other things, are the duties of a good nurse. 

We are blessed to have not only good nurses, but great ones. Great nurses tell you, every time they see you, how much they love your cool Spider-Man shoes. They let you help and be a part of your medical treatment. They let you make decisions that are just as important as the doctor's, like if you want a spongebob sticker or a Spider-Man one (even though they know it's Spider-Man you are after).  They bring extra stickers because they know you're going to want one for your brother. They ask you questions about your brother, your cat, your school, because to them you are more than a patient. They ease your fears and make you feel strong. They reassure you that you are doing a great job. 

These are great nurses. These are the people that I am thankful for, not only this week, but every time we set foot in the clinic. These are the people that make this experience just a little less scary and a little but more like home. 

This weeks visit was a solo trip for me. Ryan wasn't feeling well and taking germs to an oncology clinic is just plain wrong. Even though Logan had his medicine in the morning, he was definitely more active than usual. Enough so that the doctors noted it and asked if the Ritalin was working. There was a good amount of screaming and yelling and crying and it had nothing to do with the needles or medicine. 

Going for a walk
We also discussed a mild concern of mine for Logan's occasional racing heart and deep breathing. Normally it wouldn't bother me, but given a family history (including my own) of heart issues, I thought it was worth mentioning. They sent us for an EKG. It was a great way to kill time while we waited for the pharmacy. The EKG looked fine. This will be something that we will keep our eyes on. 

The pharmacy was a record slow today. About a 2.5 hour wait for his medicine today. Thank God for the art room and very hard working art therapists!!

Pretty normal infusion today, with the one very exciting change that LOGAN DIDN'T THROWUP!!! A little extra pre dose halfway through his infusion seemed to do the trick. This is the first time in over 2 months that Logan has gotten through his infusion without getting sick. Hopefully this plan continues to work and  this will help Logan's recently decreasing outlook on his doctor visits. 

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