We have really gotten into the routine. I was a little worried this week, as it was my first week back to work and having to deal with chemo. Routines are our friends! We know what to expect. The kids know what to expect. It really makes life a lot easier. Our appointments are routine and our entire day is now routine. Here is a glimpse of my new thursday routine sans all the medical stuff (as it was today):
5:45 - Wake up, wake up husband, shower, brush teeth, get dressed, etc.
5:55 - Wake up husband for real (he's still sleeping)
5:58 - Pack lunches, pack chemo bag (supplies to get us through the day at the hospital)
6:10 - Wake up kids, get them dressed, get Parker's bag packed to go to "school", wake up husband (yes, he's still in bed)
6:30 - Feed the cats, take out the trash, get the boys in the car
6:45 - Drop Parker off at school
6:50 - Dunkin Donut stop for coffee on the way to DC
7:45 - Arrive at hospital (thank god for the HOV lanes or this step would be at least TWICE as long)
8:00 - Breakfast at the hospital cafeteria
8:30- Arrive at chemo clinic
12:45 - Leave Hospital
1:00 - Drop Ryan off at work
1:45 - Home for a good nap
6:00 - Pick up Parker from school
7:00 - Pick up Ryan from the train station
7:15 - Dinner
8:00 - Medication and bed time for the boys
In there somewhere is quality time with the kids where we teach them valuable and important life lessons and enrich their lives in the most profound way. Or maybe some cartoons and a snuggle - hard to tell the difference.